Logo, una animación de memoji sonriendo
My memoji siting in front of open laptop

Hi! I'm Sasha FrontEnd Developer

About me

I started in the world of Front-End development in 1997 and worked as a freelancer until 2006. Then I changed my profession, and since 2021 I have returned to FrontEnd with great enthusiasm to apply everything new I have learned in various courses, such as Joy of React by Josh W. Comeau, Practical Accessibility by Sara Soueidan, FreeCodeCamp, and Scrimba, among others. With a lot of willingness, determination, and eagerness to learn, I hope you are encouraged to contact me.

My Skills

  • NEXT.js
  • React
  • JavaScript ES6
  • Modern CSS & HTML
  • i18n - next-intl
  • a11y - Web Accesibility
  • LitElement
  • Web Components
  • Git / GitHub
  • Firebase
  • React Router
  • Redux
  • Figma UI/UX + Responsive Design

Latest projects


Multipage Web Form

This application serves as an exercise project aimed at building a multi-page form with Firebase authentication, storage, and database integration as the backend. Essentially, it simulates the job application process.

View the detailed description of the project and my work =>

Portfolio and personal blog

This project is a web application that has been developed and designed using Next.js, React.js, Vanilla CSS, framer-motion, next-mdx-remote, and Figma. The main objective of this project is to showcase my web development and user interface design skills.

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Reminder App for mobiles

Inspired by the iOS Reminders app. Using the following technologies: React, React Router, Firebase Realtime DB, Auth, and Storage. Basic functionality implemented, various ideas for improving functionality will be implemented over time.

View the detailed description of the project and my work =>

Other projects

Sarajevo Tours

Project for a fictitious online store. Made with React, React Router + Firebase Firestore and Auth as the backend. Custom design with Figma. Uses: Flexbox, Grid, Container Query, Nested Routes, Relative Path, Query parameters, Stateful Forms, useEffect, useState, createContext, useRef, etc...

View the detailed description of the project and my work =>

Blancodent Dental Clinic

Website for a dental clinic (commercial client) design + UX/UI using Figma. A new code of CSS, HTML, and a bit of JS. The original website was on Squarespace and we have transferred it to Netlify. In the next phase, it will be moved to use NEXT.js and React.js while maintaining the original design.

View the detailed description of the project and my work =>

ChatGPT API - Chat App

Connection with the OpenAI API (3.5-turbo model) to create a chatbot. Firebase Realtime Database for backend & Auth. Netlify environment variables to protect the API key. Netlify functions to connect with the OpenAI API and obtain responses.

Link to the app =>

Pac-Man Game

One of my first projects in JavaScript, learning to manipulate the DOM, inserting CSS from JS, using the modulus operator, etc... You will need a keyboard, so you should do it from a computer.

Link to the game page
View all projects

Let's see if we can make it work together...

If you are looking for a FrontEnd developer to work with or simply want to connect/ask a question, do not hesitate to write to me.